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Coffècient was born from the term "coefficient," an initial idea fueled by the intention to transform coffee residuals into a flexible ingredient that easily blends into our daily lives filled with variables. 

It is pronounced as "koh-fey-shuhnt", with the "e" in grave accent.

You're right, the origin of the name was initiated by a math nerd, it seems.

The initiative of upcycling spent coffee grounds was later joined by two vibrant and coffee-loving ladies, ready to take on the world with their caffeinated brilliance. 

Together, we formed the Powerpuff Girls team at Coffècient.

Powerpuff girls

Coffee Culture in Malaysia

Jom kopi

Coffee culture has been a hype in Malaysia these days. We see cafés are springing up like mushroom after the rain - providing a better ambiance for coffee enthusiasts, beyond the ever-popular mamak hangouts.

Digging more into the market practice, unfortunately, we found Malaysian have ignored the existence of spent coffee grounds, despite the growing coffee drinking culture.

We Upcycle Spent Coffee Grounds

We ask:

What is the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that these cafés are doing aside from coming up with eye-catching flavored coffees and instagrammable packaging?

We aren't aggressive environmental activists, but who fills the gap?

One puck at a time

Starting Coffècient is to create awareness in society that coffee doesn't just end when it has given you that shot of caffeine; you can return the second shot of life to the residuals.

One puck at a time.

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